It's always an absolute, heart-stopping delight when I discover that a movie I've been long searching for has made its way to Youtube. This has happened lately with Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean, That Cold Day in the Park and Summer and Smoke. The first two, being Sandy Dennis (my favorite actress) vehicles, saved me from spending enormous dollars just to get ahold of some old VHS tapes on Amazon.
Five and Dime is almost incomprehensible as to the actual specifics of the plot. But as is often the case with Altman, there is no need to fully "get" what is going on action-wise-- all that matters is that you observe, care for and listen to the characters. I had no trouble doing this, with Dennis doing her beautifully neurotic "thing" and Cher being right on target, as well as an impressive (and very pretty) Kathy Bates. Oh, and "Sincerely" is stuck in my head right now.
That Cold Day in the Park is certainly one of the more unsettling films I've seen lately (which says a lot, considering I've just finished with In the Company of Men and The Baby). Sandy plays a psycho of the quietest type here, with one gorgeous monologue and several other standout moments; the plot is delightfully original.