Saturday, October 24, 2009

A plug, and why I haven't seen anything worthwhile in ages

Firstly, I'd like to introduce everyone reading this to a hilariously dark short film that my best friend directed, wrote, edited and shot. It's called "The Principal's Office", it's at and it is worth your time in every way. All 4 minutes and 18 seconds, anyway. It's really impressive, especially considering it's his debut feature and was made in an unbelievably short amount of time.

Second, I haven't updated in eons because of school, which has up and taken over my life completely. I've seen a few movies, though, few of which were worth watching:

Parrish: Karl Malden is great, as is Claudette Colbert...and the rest of the cast (save my darling Madeleine Sherwood, in all her 30 seconds of glory) is bland as the day is long. Following the story is as boring and tedious as watching grass grow, and  practically the same considering it's all about some tobacco farm . 

Paranormal Activity: Yes, it was genuinely scary. Not pee-your-pants frightening or anything, but what can be when there's a guy in your audience shouting hilariously obscene things at the screen every time the demon comes?